Liferay Digital Experience Platform

Liferay DXP is focused on build portals, intranets, websites and connected experiences on the most flexible platform around. Form Builder, as part of Liferay DXP solution, is a low-code application addressed to still the most advanced form, like a mortgage application or an insurance quote workflow. Its goal is focus on producing apps that make empower business users on their task.

My role

Product designer


Turn a developer tool into a friendly and low-code solution. It's because Liferay was born as a developer tool but the Liferay vision evolved from a portal solution to a Digital Experience Platform, focusing on business users as well, so form engine and form tool that provides all types of sites intranets, and apps creation


An intuitive form builder based on a low-code concept that supports since the most basic business needs, until the most advanced ones, like a mortgage application or even an insurance quote.

UI Components

Liferay Forms was considered one of the best solutions delivered by the new Liferay Digital Experience Platform.

"Top of the list are the seismic changes and improvements in Liferay forms which have undergone a huge overhaul starting with the UI of the Form Designer and adding various advanced capabilities"

Source: XTivia (